I first got my Pinboard account over a decade ago. If you are not familiar, Pinboard is a bookmarking service. It’s a place where you can save and store bookmarks. It is a great little service - clean, minimalist, well-organized. I signed up many tears ago on a life time plan I think. The have since started charging for some services, but it still isn’t a lot.

It’s run by a one-man show. I like the service, even though the owner has disappeared for a time or gone off the rails occasionally on X occasionally


That said, I have decided to be even more independent than I already am and doing to self-host everything I am comfortable with including bookmarks. I found LinkDing a self hosted bookmarking service that has a similar look and feel to Pinboard. I am hosting it on PikaPods, which I quite like so far - but there will be more on that later.

Memory Lane

What this blog post is about is a trip down memory lane. I have started going through my old Pinboard links as I transfer them to LinkDing. I have thousands of links and many of them are a decade or so old. It is interesting to see what I saved back then and how I feel about those things now. Unsurprisingly, many of the things from back then are not important anymore. Also not surprising, many of the links are broken - well over half. One of the things I like about LinkDing is it has an option to save all your new links in the Internet Archive. Therefore, if the link goes offline later, it should always be available on the Internet Archive site. The creator of LinkDIng also encourages you to donate to the Internet Archive - something I am certainly going to look at.

It’s been a fun trip down memory lane. I have a lot of links to transfer over, and this is a long term project. But by the end, I should have on my links culled, tagged, and archived in a searchable self-hosted platform.

More on this later.