So I got my parents an internet connected photo-frame for Christmas. Amazingly, they set up all by themselves and have even loaded a few photos into it. The point was for my wife and I to be able to upload photos directly to them and the frame through the internet. So on the phone last night I asked for the serial number so I could identify the frame and connect to it remotely. My Dad says, “let me go get it.” After a few minutes he comes back:.

Him: “I got it. Do you have something handy to write this down?”

Me: “Ready to go, Dad”

Him: “7… 2…. 3…. 4”.

Me: <sigh>

Mother: “That cant be it.”

Him: “Well, it was the number that it gave me. It told me to write it down

Mother: “That cant be it.”

Him: “It was the number that it gave me. It gave me that number. It told me tow write it down!”

Me: <sigh>

Just a day in a life of the pandemic . . .