Well to answer my own question, I clearly missed a week of the April photoblog challenge. So it goes. Here is my Day 21 entry: mountain.

So I took a little hiatus… had to travel for a wedding, then immediatly had a major work project due that ended up me getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night for almost a week beforee it was finished. Rested this weekend. Now feeling better and getting back in groove.
What did I miss?
April photoblog - Day 11: Sky. (the sky can do some wonderful things, especially in Colorado).

April photoblog - Day 10: Train (Prague Main Station)

April photoblog - Day 9 (delayed entry): Crispy. (breakfast ham)

April photoblog - Day 8 (delayed entry) - Prevention. Leakage prevention. Nuff said….

April Photoblog - Day 7 (delayed entry) - Well Being. I was feeling pretty good after a 15 mile run back when I was running a few years ago. Taken in the car right after finishing. Long slow runs are so therapeutic.

Unfortunately, i was not able to post for a few days for technical reasons. So now I have to catch up - especially for the photoblogging challenge. I hope no one will hold it against me with some catch up posts.
April photoblog - Day 6: Windy 2. Hurricane Micheal, 2018. I have been through a lot of hurricanes, but I have NEVER seen anything like this and NEVER want to see it again. Lost office, home, and a few years of my life rebuilding.

April photoblog - Day 6: Windy. Hurricane Micheal, Cat 5, 2018. This event may warrant two “Windy” post, because it certainly was….

April photoblog - Day 5: Serene. No more need be said.

April photoblog - Day 4: foliage (as in fall foliage - Rocky Mountains, USA.)

April photoblog- Day 3: Card

April photo - Day 2 - flowers. At the U.S. Nationl Botanical Garden in Washingtonon DC. Everything there made out of plants.

April photo - Day 1 - toy (poodle)

Beautiful Easter Sunrise Service this morning. Lovely weather. Good company. Sitting on the grass right by the bay/
I don’t have any pictures … only memories of fellowship and singing as the first light hits the calm surface of the water. And that is enough.
Ok. Still tinkering with various themes and plug-in on micro.blog. Maybe I will settle down soon. But only a month in to my rebirth here and need to explore some more.
HTML/ CSS - Tech Simplicity
I am not a major tech geek or programer like many here on micro.blog. I mess around with it when i can, but I don’t need to know tech or use it for my livelihood. Its just a hobby.
But its a hobby I enjoy. And I love learning new stuff and how it all fits together in this modern world. So that brings me to my new project. Learning … slowly … how to use HTML and CSS to make simple websites. A simple HTML/CSS website is future proof, portable, and fast. It also doesn’t rely on any proprietary third party program or framework. It’s just text, images, and directories. No one to steal your data or track you into oblivion. Not based on any company that go bankrupt in the future.
I also like simple things that have a strong Lindy Effect. The longer something has been around, the longer it is more likely to be around in the future. So I am going to start “developing” some basic HTML / CSS sites for fun and knowledge. Yes, I. know that may be a big waste of time and that ChatGPT could do it quicker. But I wamt to learn it. And the best way to do that is to do it, not have someone or something ese do it for me..
I may post some sites here form time to time. We will see. But I am going to give it a run. Hell, I am getting ready to retire soon (not soon enough according to Mrs. robj). Will need something to do…
We are all guilty of procrastination. Rare is the person who doesn’t procrastinate. It’s good to remind ourselves of how short our lives are, and how much we procrastinate to avoid it dealing with it. Its been a problem for a long time.
Over 2000 years ago, Seneca wrote:
Lay hold of today’s task, and you will not need to depend so much upon tomorrow’s. While we are postponing, life speeds by
“Life speeds by…” - remember that next time you are scrolling through social media or watching TV because there’s nothing else to do.
Figure out what is important to you and do it.
There are no “do overs” in life. This is your one shot. Tomorrow is never promised.
New Podcast - Open Ears 🎙️
Kind of fell into the Open Ears podcast last week. I was listening to Atlas Obsura - a FANTASTIC podcast BTW - when they put on an advertisement for Open Ears, which was comong back from a hiatus. The tagline was “stories about the music that shapes our lives” or something like that and i was intrigued. Then on came Tom Hiddleston… a. k.a Loki, to talk about a piece of music that changed his life. I was hooked. I love music and believe it has this power. So I subscribed and scheduled a listen for my next morning walk.
The next morning as I headed out around the neighborhood, I was greeted by … classical music. So what I didn’t know was that the qualifier to the Open Ears tagline about music that changed our lives, was that it had to be a price of classical music. Important to know. My enthusiasm immediately waned. I don’t hate classical music, and there are some pieces I quite like, but it just want something that i sat around and listen too. Until now.
I decided to give it a listen while walking anyway and was pleasantly surprised about how much I enjoyed it. NOt all of it, but a good chunk of the podcasts episodes I pulled up.
So there you have it. Give it a listen. It might just change your life. Or at least change your perspective on what good music is and can be.